10 Tips for Surviving the End of the Semester

You've made it to the final weeks of the semester! But at Something Greek we know that this is the most challenging time of the semester. You want to do well on your final exams and final projects, but you also want to spend time with your brothers or sisters before heading home for a month. To help you make the most of this stressful time, we've compiled a list of 10 tips for surviving the end of the semester. 1. Make a to do list. To do lists are my favorite organizational tool. You get a little joy from crossing out things you've accomplished and you won't forget even the smallest of final projects. 2. If it's due the day after formal, make sure it's done before formal. You want to enjoy your last blast of the semester, not worry about waking up early enough to finish an assignment the next morning. 3. Reserve a study room for you and your closest friends. Some on my fondest memories are from random moments shared with my sisters when we were sleep deprived and delirious from finals. 4. Take a break. Sometimes you need an hour to go get a pedicure or go to the gym to clear your mind. You'll be much more focused after. 5. Hydrate and take vitamin C. I will never forget the time I didn't finished my Book Editing I final because I was coughing the entire test period. Do anything you can to avoid getting sick during this crucial part of the semester. 6. Figure out a way to get enough sleep. You're brain won't retain as much information if you're running on five hours of sleep for a week straight. Also see tip two; you probably won't produce your best work if you were up late the night before. 7. Don't leave your dorm room messy. Sure it's tempting to throw all your books on your floor and head home for break, but then when you get back in January you'll have to clean on top of unpacking and getting ready for the upcoming semester. 8. Don't forget to eat. Much like having a cold for a final, you'll probably want to avoid a grumbling stomach. Make sure to get some protein and complex carbs so you won't get hungry midway through a three hour test. 9. Coffee. I don't think I need to explain. I just wish it came in IV form. 10. If all else fails, check out our previous post, The Best Ways to Avoid Finals Week. From our Something Greek family to you, we want to wish you the best of luck as the end of this semester draws near!

Now thats an IV!!

-Michelle Giuseffi
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