Something Greek's Recruitment Series: Theme Ideas

Alex Duran

At Something Greek we know there are many events during Recruitment that require themes. Whether you need a theme idea for your recruitment room, a bonding event at your house, or a fundraiser, we have you covered. Check out the list we complied of our favorites! 1. Mardi Gras is always fun and very colorful! 2. Bright and Tight: just add a blacklight and you're destined to have fun. 3. High School Stereotypes is easy to do because you probably have some stuff lying around from your old soccer team. 4. Casino Night: Hint: this could also double as a fundraiser or philanthropy event! 5. Hollywood: You could either dress up as your favorite celebrity, or, for a more low-key approach, just decorate the room like a red carpet event. 7. Paris: Check out our new Je T'aime Printed Sorority Softstyle Tee for inspiration! 8. Beach: Just when you thought you had to put away your bathing suits, flip-flops, and towels, bring them back out one last time! 9. Luau: Similar to beach, but with this theme you have the opportunity to incorporate coconuts and grass skirts! 10. Country Club: Break out those polos and Sperrys, and decorate your room with golf related merchandise.  Have another idea for a fantasticly fun theme? Let us know in a comment below!  -Michelle Giuseffi

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