SG Blown Away by Post-Hurricane Support
We're taking a break from our previously scheduled blog posts to update our customers about how those of us here at Something Greek are doing after Hurricane Sandy. We truly appreciate all of you who asked how we were when we finally were able to call you back yesterday. I am happy to say that our staff is fine and we have been up and running since yesterday morning. We're finally caught up on all the orders that have come in since Monday, and we are back on schedule. You can also check out our top 14 reason that we are the most Sandy-proof company in the area. Many of us still don't have power at our homes and are coming to Something Greek not only to help you with your custom Greek clothing orders, but also to charge our phones so that we can stay in touch with our families. Personally, I've been staying at one of the off-campus houses that my sorority lives in because they are the only ones who have power. It's been a great bonding experience and we're all so grateful to have wonderful, caring sisters in a time like this. If you were effected by the storm our hearts go out to you. We hope you all are safe, and we thank you for understanding the situation that we have been dealt with regard to the slight delay in your orders. We pride ourselves on our lightning fast turn around time and we hope to be back up to speed very quickly!