7 Cute Big Little Crafts

Alex Duran

We know it's getting to be that time. Soon your dorm room floor will be covered with glitter, paint brushes, and stencils, so those of us at Something Greek thought we would bring you a little crafting inspiration. All of the below images were found on Pinterest, and make sure to follow our Cheap Sorority Gifts/ DIY Pinterest board for even more sorority big little crafting ideas!

greek fraternity sorority chevron print picture frame diy
1. Chevron print it huge right now, and this craft isn't so sorority-based so this could even be a great graduation present for your big!
Mason Jars, Mason Jar Crafts, Sorority Craft Ideas, Little Craft Ideas
2. This "Reasons Why Your Big Loves You" mason jar is super pretty for everyday, but it's even more special on those days when your little is feeling down.
Sorority Craft Ideas, Rhinestones, Little Craft Ideas
3. Bedazzling a cooler or water bottle for your little is a cute big little craft idea because it's actually useful!
Sorority Craft Ideas, Cute Sorority Crafts, Alpha Sigma Tau, Anchor Koozie, Little Crafts
4. Another awesome useful sorority big little craft: a puff painted sorority koozie! Side note: how awesome is that ribbon?!
Sorority Crafts, Cute Sorority Crafts, Chevron Frame, Big Little Crafts
5. While I don't recommend making tons of picture frames (because who actually prints pictures these days), this sorority chevron picture frame with a huge flower and rhinestone is super cute!
Cute Sorority Crafts, Sorority Craft Ideas, Little Crafts Ideas, Big Litte Ideas
6. This sorority clipboard looks so simple and adorable too! You could probably even use our Greek Wood Letters to put on the clip.
Cute Sorority Crafts, Sorority Craft Ideas, Delta Gamma Craft Ideas, Big Little Craft Ideas
7. I'm pretty sure one of my little's favorite crafts that I made her was a similar cork board. There are so many different things you can do with it, and it will help your little stay organized!

What do you think of these cute sorority big little craft ideas? What's the best craft that you ever made? Send us a picture on Facebook or Twitter!

- Michelle Giuseffi

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