How to Survive the Sorority House
As I begin to move out of my off campus sorority house, I've been thinking about some tips for all of you lucky people who are just starting your college journey. Something Greek knows that living with a bunch of other people is hard, and it's only slightly easier when those people are your sorority sisters or fraternity brothers.
1. Clean messes as you make them. Why waste your entire Saturday cleaning when you can just pick up that paper towel you dropped or wipe up that pasta sauce off the counter today.
2. Label your things. I don't do this because I think someone is going to use my stuff. I do it so I don't forget what is mine.
3. Don't buy nice (or breakable) things. They'll go missing or get broken. Just don't.
4. Have family dinners. No one wants to (or has the time to) make a full out dinner in college, so you make one dish and the rest of your roommates make others. You can make one side dish right?
5. Accept that you'll be woken up at all hours of the night. This will more often than not be someone banging on the door who forgot her keys or someone trying to get a ride home from a mixer.
6. Be friendly. You're going to meet boyfriends/girlfriends, parents, siblings, and best friends from home. You probably won't always get along, but be courteous.
7. Take time for yourself. No matter how close you are to your brothers or sisters, being with them 24 hours a day can be rough at times. Make sure to hang out with some people in your major or your co-workers at your part time job sometimes.
8. Wash your dishes. Sure when you're home you can let dishes pile up and wash them at the end of the day. You can't really do that when you're living with six other people.
9. Have an open closet policy. Hopefully at least one of your roommates is your size because this might just be the biggest perk of having roommates.
10. Cherish your time. But seriously, you're going to blink your eyes and it will be your move-out day. What are your stay-sane roommate tips? Let us know!
-Michelle Giuseffi