How to Order the Something Greek Pullover Jacket

Alex Duran
Having a Greek Pullover Jacket is pretty much a right of passage in Greek life. Mine has been my favorite article of clothing for the past 4 years. So you want to order one of these lettered rain jackets, but it's 2am and Something Greek is closed. What do you do? Well, read on to discover the easiest way to place this order online yourself.

greek fraternity sorority twill pullover jacket custom pattern somethinggreek

Step one: Go to the Greek Pullover Jacket page. Select your choices for the following information.
  • Jacket Color
  • Size
  • Letter Color/Patterns
  • Border Color (if applicable)
  • Letter Size and Placement (Letters on the back of this jacket is the most common. The four inch letters are what you get on a standard Greek lettered t-shirt. The six inch letters are probably more common for this jacket.)
Write out your organization. If you were ordering the jacket in the picture above, you would write "Pi Delta Theta" in this box. Click "Add to Cart."

greek fraternity sorority left right chest embroidery custom color name somethinggreek

Step two: Add Embroidery. If you don't have letters on the front chest of the jacket, you'll probably want your name there. You can see all of our embroidery options by clicking on "Customization" on the blue bar at the top of the website. The above picture is of the Additional Embroidery- Left Chest page. This is probably the most common placement for a name. On this page, you'll need to select or type in the following information:
  • Embroidery Color
  • Embroidery Font
  • Wording to be Embroidered (For example, if your name was Michelle, you would simply write Michelle in the box. Please don't include quotation marks unless you want them to appear on the jacket.)
***If you're ordering more than just this jacket on this order, we ask that you specify which item the embroidery goes on in parentheses in the "Wording to be Embroidered" box. For example, you could write "Michelle (on Greek pullover jacket)." We'll know anything written in parentheses is a note to us and not to be embroidered onto the garment.*** ****Want more than one line of embroidery? We can do that! Just make sure to adjust the quantity in the box below the "Wording to be Embroidered" box. Then, in the "Wording to be Embroidered" box, please write what you would like on the first line and second line. For example, you could write "Line 1: Michelle Line 2: Gamma Lambda (on jacket)."**** Click "Add to Cart."

greek fraternity sorority crest patch customization somethinggreek

Step Three: Add a crest. Click on the "Customization" tab again. You'll notice that there are two types of crests. The Additional Crest Patch is a separate patch that is sewn onto the garment. The Additional Embroidery- Crest (pictured above) is embroidered into the garment. The selections here are pretty straight forward, but I will explain what "Embroidery Colors" for the Additional Embroidery- Crest means. When you select this color, you are selecting the color of the organization name arched above the crest.

**If you're adding embroidery on the same side sleeve or chest as a crest, please make sure to write under or above crest in parentheses in the "Wording to be Embroidered" box on the sleeve or chest embroidery page as there is nowhere to add a note on the crest pages.***

Click "Add to Cart."

Repeat Steps as Necessary. Depending on how much embroidery you want on your jacket, you'll need to repeat these steps for each location that you want embroidered. Once you're done, check out as usual. One last note, if you forget to write things like "above crest" or "on jacket" in parentheses as notes on the individual customization pages, you can always write these things in the "Additional Comments" box on the check out page!

We hope these instructions help, but if you still have questions, please give us a call at 1-800-247-3352 or email us at

-Michelle Giuseffi


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