New Semester Resolutions
Alex DuranOkay, maybe by now you've dropped off that "new year, new you" gym routine, but a new semester can be the perfect time to do something amazing especially when it comes to Greek life. Here are Something Greek's new semester resolutions.
1. Attend a philanthropy event for every mixer you go to. Sure mixers are fun, but philanthropy is a huge part of Greek life!
2. Run for a position. Especially if you never have before! It feels amazing to give back to an organization you care so much about.
3. Befriend a younger sister. And no... it can't be your little.
4. Call an older sister. See what she's up to; ask for advice. Bonus points if you call an alumna!
5. Clean out the house basement. I did this once, and while it was a chore, it was so cool seeing old mementos!
6. Plan a mixer with an organization you don't normally chill with. Whether it's that new fraternity, another sorority, or the baseball team, expanding your circle can be fun!
7. Attend a sporting event. As someone who goes to a D1 school, I definitely don't take advantage of this enough. Even better: go in a group, wear letters, take over.
8. Take a fitness class. Bring a sister or two and you'll be more likely to keep going!
9. Clean out your draw of letters. Swap with sisters and make some room for new ones!
10. Find a job that means something. If it weren't for writing this blog at Something Greek, I never would have ended up landing an internship at my dream company!
What are your new semester resolutions? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
-Michelle Giuseffi