New Semester Resolutions

Alex Duran

Okay, maybe by now you've dropped off that "new year, new you" gym routine, but a new semester can be the perfect time to do something amazing especially when it comes to Greek life. Here are Something Greek's new semester resolutions.

greek sorority fraternity new semester rush pledge class big lil sis bro twins pbro psis


1. Attend a philanthropy event for every mixer you go to. Sure mixers are fun, but philanthropy is a huge part of Greek life!

2. Run for a position. Especially if you never have before! It feels amazing to give back to an organization you care so much about.

3. Befriend a younger sister. And no... it can't be your little.

4. Call an older sister. See what she's up to; ask for advice. Bonus points if you call an alumna!

5. Clean out the house basement. I did this once, and while it was a chore, it was so cool seeing old mementos!

6. Plan a mixer with an organization you don't normally chill with. Whether it's that new fraternity, another sorority, or the baseball team, expanding your circle can be fun!

7. Attend a sporting event. As someone who goes to a D1 school, I definitely don't take advantage of this enough. Even better: go in a group, wear letters, take over.

8. Take a fitness class. Bring a sister or two and you'll be more likely to keep going!

9. Clean out your draw of letters. Swap with sisters and make some room for new ones!

10. Find a job that means something. If it weren't for writing this blog at Something Greek, I never would have ended up landing an internship at my dream company!

What are your new semester resolutions? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

-Michelle Giuseffi

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