How To Avoid the Senior Slump in Your Sorority This Year!

Brian U

The dreaded Senior Slump – also known as senioritis – seems to affect every senior, whether they’re in Greek life or not! After 4 years, it’s understandable that you might be a bit worn out and ready for graduation, especially if you were heavily involved in your organization! Typically, senior year is the time to take a bit of a breather and enjoy the results of your hard work before graduating and moving on. It can be hard to think about leaving after putting so much work into an organization or group, but it should give you pride when you look back on your efforts. It’s time for the home stretch – no quitting now!

Avoid the senior slump by incorporating your interests outside of Greek life into your everyday schedule. The point of senior year is to take a step back from your organization. Now is not the time to get involved with every committee you haven’t been on yet – now is the time to dedicate a little less of your time to your sorority. That’s not to stay stop participating or doing your duty, it simply means taking some time to focus on things outside of the sorority and preparing yourself for post-grad life. Now is a great time to start polishing up your resume, browsing career websites, and making professional connections. Instead of worrying about what next semester’s bid day theme will be, take time to research your future career and how to build a strong professional foundation for yourself.

Consider the great professional connections you’ve made through your sorority. Do you know any alumnae who work in the field you’re interested in? Is there anyone who might be able to write a letter of reference for you? Being in a sorority is an amazing way to build leadership and interpersonal skills – senior year is a great time to put those skills to the test and reach out to those who may be able to help you. Doing this may also help you with the transition from active sister to alumnae by forging friendships with your fellow sorority alumnae!

Don’t try to take on too much responsibility in your organization in your senior year – your time for overloading yourself with new projects is over. Use your time to adjust to a life that is slightly less involved in your sorority and more focused on yourself and your personal goals. Figure out what you want to do and what makes you happy. Focus on determining how your contributions to your organization and your role in Greek life can translate into professional experience. And don’t worry about feeling left behind when you graduate – your legacy will continue with each new class that is initiated into your sisterhood.


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